Dr Sahil Singla is the best plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty in East Delhi. Nose reshaping surgery or rhinoplasty in Delhi is one of the most demanded operations by both men and women. Alterations in the shape of the nose are one of the most frequent causes of aesthetic psychological disorders.

There are no two identical rhinoplasties, since this surgery seeks to adapt the nose to the facial structure of each patient, achieving greater facial harmony and balance. It is therefore essential to study each case individually, explaining to the patient the possibilities and probable results of the surgery.


The rhinoplasty in East Delhi is done to modify the nose and structure, adapting it to other facial features, showing a more harmonious and aesthetic set or repairing defects deviated septum and defects after injury or accident.

This intervention consists of modifying the bony skeleton of the nose in order for the skin to adapt to the new change and to obtain the shape desired by the patient.

The purpose of rhinoplasty is not to create or copy a pre-established shape, but rather that the new aesthetics of the nose integrate naturally with the rest of the face, creating a harmonious balance between the different structures of the face.

rhinoplasty in East Delhi


For whom is rhinoplasty indicated?

The patient profile indicated for an intervention of this type is a person who needs to make important changes in the structure, shape, angle or size of their nose, and clean the entire tip or its entire set. Nose reshaping surgery in East Delhi is also indicated for patients who have some difficulty breathing or require changes in the nasal septum.


There are two techniques that allow aesthetic correction of the nose: closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty. Both procedures were described in the first decades of the 20th century and depending on the case, one or the other may be indicated.

  • Closed rhinoplasty is performed inside the nostrils, through incisions in the nasal mucosa. Through these incisions, access is made to the nasal structures to be modified and that will make up the new appearance of the nose. This procedure is the most frequently performed and does not leave any type of visible mark.
  • Open rhinoplasty is performed through a small incision at the base of the nose and allows the cartilage of the tip and dorsum of the nose to be exposed, facilitating a direct visualization of them. It can be useful in complex cases with significant deformities of the tip or noses that have already been previously operated on.

Sometimes rhinoplasty involves modifying the shape of the nose by adding volume to it using different types of tissues from the patient himself. This happens for example in noses with a sunken back. In our clinic, best plastic surgeon in Delhi Dr Sahil Singla will study your case personally and depending on the area and appearance, he will advise you, prevailing medical criteria and results.


Is It Painful?

It is not a painful surgery. Patients do not usually require pain relievers.

What Kind of Anesthesia is Used?

Almost all of the patients are operated under local anesthesia and sedation, not presenting any pain during surgery. Sedation, administered by the anesthesiologist, helps them to be relaxed.

What Are The Risks of Rhinoplasty?

The risks of this type of surgery are minimal. More than usual bleeding is a rare but possible complication.

How Is The Post-Operative?

When leaving the operating room, a thermoplastic splint is worn, which is removed after a week. Nasal tamponade is not usually required, although normal respiration does not return for a few days; exceptionally it may be necessary to place plugs for a period of 3 to 4 days.

How Long Is The Hospitalization?

Most often, patients are discharged one hour after surgery, always on the orders of the surgeon and the anesthetist. Although it is highly unlikely, if deemed necessary and following medical criteria, patients may be admitted to the clinic.

How Many Days Pass Until I Get Back To My Usual Activity?

Although it is variable depending on the postoperative evolution and the type of work performed, it is recommended to have a week, that is, until the moment in which the splint is removed.

How Will I Look The First Few Days?

The presence of swelling and ecchymosis around the eyes and cheeks is relatively common. Its intensity varies between patients but it is well tolerated and resolves in a few days.

How Will I Look When The Splint Is Removed?

The shape of the nose after a week is good and the patient will be able to lead a normal life. The patient will appreciate significant changes, although the final result takes about six months to see when all the edema has resolved