Category Archives: Maxillofacial Services

facial trauma

Facial Trauma

Patients with severe facial trauma should undergo immediate Facial trauma treatment in Delhi (except for neck fractures or fatal injuries) to control blood loss, clear the airway, heal bone fractures with titanium plates and screws, and leave the least number of scars.

What is a facial trauma?

The term facial trauma indicates any type of facial injury, including injuries to the jaw. The facial traumas can be divided into several categories: the traumas of soft tissues include bruises, abrasions and excoriations, injuries and bruises with sharp instruments and tear wounds with loss of substance; while facial skeletal traumas include fractures of the jaw, jawbone, cheekbone, and orbit.

Facial Trauma Treatment in Delhi

Prognosis of facial trauma

Generally, patients with facial trauma make a full recovery after facial trauma treatment in Delhi. Depending on the severity of the trauma, the pre-trauma appearance may not be fully restored. In the most severe cases, additional surgery may be necessary after the first 6-12 months. Possible complications of facial trauma are:

  • Feeling weak or numb
  • Irregularities in the face
  • Infections
  • Bleeding
  • D years in the nervous system or in the brain
  • Double vision or loss of vision

Symptoms of facial trauma

The most common symptoms of facial trauma:

  • Missing teeth
  • Double vision
  • Altered sensitivity of the face
  • Irregularity or deformity of the facial bones
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose due to bleeding and / or swelling
  • Vision problems caused by inflammation in the area around the eyes

Diagnosis of facial trauma

The diagnosis is made by an objective test. During the visit, the specialist may notice:

  • Bleeding in the eye and nose area
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Tears in the skin
  • Bruises around the eyes
  • Increased distance between the eyes due to bone lesions between the orbits

In addition, the best plastic surgeon in Delhi will evaluate the symptoms that may be indicative of bone fractures:

  • Irregularities in the face and abnormal sensations in the cheek
  • The jaw moves even though the head is still

The specialist may then order a CT scan of the head to assess additional damage.

The nature of maxillofacial trauma

There are numerous causes for which facial trauma can occur, such as a car accident, an accidental fall, sports injuries, interpersonal violence, and work-related injuries. Types of facial injuries can range from dental injuries to extremely severe injuries such as injuries to the skin and bones of the face. Typically, facial lesions are dosed as lesions of the white tissue (skin and gums), or lesions in a specific legion (such as in the eyes, facial nerves or salivary glands).

White tissue lesions in the maxillofacial region

When there is injury to the target tissue such as a laceration / tear on the face, these wounds are repaired through suture. In addition to the obvious concern of obtaining a cosmetic repair with the best possible result is the treatment of structural lesions of the facial nerves, salivary glands, and salivary ducts (saliva channels).

Bone lesions in the maxillofacial region

Fractures in the bones of the face are treated in a similar way to fractures in the bones of other parts of the body. Specific facial trauma treatment in Delhi is determined by considering several factors, including the site of the fracture, the severity of the fracture, the age, and the general health of the patient. When an arm or leg is billed, a cast is put on to stabilize the bone and allow proper healing. Since a cast cannot be placed on the face, other means have been developed to stabilize fractures on the face.

One of these options is osteosynthesis (union of two bone segments) of the upper and lower jaw, joined by metal sutures (stainless steel or titanium) depending on the type of fracture. Certainly, other types of fractures in the jaw are better treated and stabilized by surgically placing small plates and screws in the affected area. This treatment technique regularly allows better healing and avoids the foolishness of metal suturing the jaws. This technique is called “rigid fixation” of the fracture. The recent development of the use of “rigid fixation” has improved the recovery period in many patients, allowing them to return to normal function more quickly.

Facial trauma treatment in Delhi can be performed in a predictable manner. The most important thing is that the patient’s facial appearance could be minimally ugly. We always try to access the facial bones through small incisions that are necessary. At the same time, the incisions that are necessary are designed to be small and as much as possible are placed in places where the scar is hidden.

Injuries to the teeth and around dental structures.

Isolated injuries to teeth are very common and may require the expertise of various dental specialists. Oral surgeons are usually involved in treating supporting bone fractures or in the repositioning of teeth that have been dislodged or knocked out. These types of injuries are treated by one of many forms of immobilization (stabilization by metal suture or ligament of the teeth). If a tooth falls out (from a blow) it should be put in salted water or milk. The sooner the tooth is reinstalled in the dental bowl, the more likely it will survive. Therefore, the patient should see the dentist in Delhi or oral surgeon as soon as possible.

Never attempt to clean a tooth that has fallen out, as there are ligaments in this that hold the tooth in the jaw and are vital to ensuring successful tooth reinsertion. Other specialists may be consulted, such as the orthodontist, who will likely be consulted for endodontic treatment (root canal treatment), and / or a restorative dentist who may need to repair or rebuild the fractured teeth. If the injured tooth cannot be saved or restored, dental implants are currently used as replacement for missing teeth.

Having a correct treatment in the facial injury is now a reality, the specialists are very well trained in this case of emergencies, in serious treatments and long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation of the patient.


Orthognathic Surgery

Orthognathic surgery in Delhi is a surgical intervention performed to correct the position of the jaws, or more properly said, of the set made up of the maxilla and mandible. This type of surgery is the exclusive competence of the maxillofacial surgeon & plastic surgeon in Delhi, who is the only specialist indicated to treat both the bones and the soft tissues of the facial area.

Orthognathic surgery in Delhi

Maxillo-mandibular deformities, in addition to causing an imbalance in patients’ features, can cause serious functional problems, such as sleep apnea, TMJ disorders, malocclusion and digestive problems, or speech problems, among others. To correct them, there are three types of orthognathic surgery: orthognathic surgery of the maxilla, orthognathic surgery of the jaw, and orthognathic maxillomandibular surgery, also called bimaxillary surgery.

Orthognathic surgery of the maxilla

It is a surgical procedure in which the maxillofacial surgeon repositioned the maxillary bone to correct functional and / or aesthetic problems of the middle third of the patient’s face.

Orthognathic surgery in Delhi consists of a cutting of the jawbone called Le Fort I Osteotomy, which allows the jawbone to be moved in three dimensions to bring it to its ideal position. Once the jawbone is in position, it is fixed in place with mini titanium plates, a high-strength, biocompatible metal.

This procedure is performed to correct different facial malformations, such as Class 3, maxillary hypoplasia, facial asymmetry, open bite or gummy smile, among others.

Mandibular orthognathic surgery

It is a surgical procedure with which the maxillofacial surgeon can advance, retract or rotate the jaw to correct functional and aesthetic problems. Mandibular retrusion-only orthognathic surgery is not a very frequent procedure, since it could involve a narrowing of the airways if performed as a single movement, which is why it is not indicated in most patients.

Mandibular orthognathic surgery is carried out through a procedure called bilateral sagittal osteotomy, which consists of two cuts, one on each side of the jaw bone at the posterior level, the repositioning of the bone, and its subsequent fixation using titanium plates.

This type of surgery is performed primarily to correct Class II or mandibular retrognathism, facial asymmetry, and sleep apnea problems caused by narrow airways.

Orthognathic maxillomandibular or bimaxillary surgery

Maxillomandibular surgery, or bimaxillary orthognathic surgery, is a surgical procedure in which the plastic surgeon in Panipat combines the Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy with the bilateral sagittal osteotomy to reposition both the maxillary bone and the mandible of the patient when a monomaxillary surgery is not enough to repair your aesthetic and / or functional problems.

This is a very common procedure, since, in most orthognathic surgery patients, it is necessary to reposition both bone structures to achieve correct function, and at the same time achieve good facial harmony.

Orthognathic and orthodontic surgery

Orthognathic surgery is closely related to orthodontics, since, in most cases, the patient will require orthodontic treatment before and after surgery to obtain a stable occlusion and, at the same time, achieve bone stability. That is why an orthognathic surgery always implies a close collaboration between an orthodontist and a maxillofacial surgeon.