Category Archives: Face Services

Otoplasty in Delhi


Otoplasty in Delhi is the cosmetic surgery of the ears. Thanks to otoplasty, which is one of the few interventions that is carried out in children as well as adults, this aesthetic problem can be solved with a simple but delicate intervention, with which the alteration in the position and shape of the eye is corrected. ears.

Otoplasty in Delhi

To whom?

Otoplasty in Delhi is aimed at all those interested in reducing and reshaping the size of their ears. In addition, thanks to the intervention, the symmetry of the face is significantly improved. It is an intervention suitable for both children and adults.


There are multiple and varied techniques to perform an Otoplasty, due to the wide variety of alterations that the ears can present. Of these, the Ears are by far the most frequent alteration. The correction is made through an incision in the back of the ear, next to the bone; the cartilage is slightly striated to make it lose the elastic force that tends to carry it forward, until it is seen that it takes the correct shape. Any excess skin is dried out and cartilage is also sometimes removed from the shell, which brings the ear closer to the head. The suture to be located behind the ear will be almost invisible. The intervention is carried out on an outpatient basis.


When children are young, it is advisable to perform the operation under general anesthesia, since it is almost impossible for the child to remain still due to fear during the time of the surgery. For older children and adults, local anesthesia or sedation is used. To relieve anxiety, mild sedation can be applied so that the patient is awake but relaxed during the intervention.


First, the plastic surgeon in Delhi makes a small incision in the back of the ear to expose the cartilage. Next, he proceeds to sculpt the cartilage, bending it back if the problem is caused by the lack of modeling of the cartilage. If there is excess cartilage, a certain part of it is removed to give the ear a more natural shape. The scar is hidden behind the ear. After the intervention is finished, a bandage is placed over the ears, which will help to maintain the new position during the recovery time. Otoplasty generally takes 2 to 3 hours. The ears can hurt a bit for the first few hours. It is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions regarding dressing to the letter, especially at night.


The results are permanent and immediate after the operation. The recovery time is five days, after which the patient can resume their usual routine.


When otoplasty is performed by a trusted, trained and experienced plastic surgeon, the risks are minimal. Even so, as in any type of surgical intervention, the risks exist. A small percentage of patients may develop bruises on the ears. Cartilage or scar tissue infection is a very rare complication.

Before and after the operation

Otoplasty, also known as “cosmetic ear surgery”, is a procedure that is performed regularly to change the shape, size, or position of the ears. Before the operation, many patients are bothered by the way the ears stick out from the head. After the operation, once the doctor removes the bandage, the most normal thing is to have red and swollen ears.

Advantages of the surgery

Otoplasty in Delhi can be performed on both children and adults. The ears stop growing at 4 years old, so from that age anyone can be a candidate for this operation. One of the great advantages it offers is that it can correct a wide range of aesthetic problems. There are those who consider that otoplasty is indicated only for those who have “puff ears”, but its applications go further: bent ears, small or large ears, cauliflower ears and cupped ears.

Duration of the intervention

The ear surgery lasts about an hour to an hour and a half.


Otoplasty in Delhi

The patient will wear a padded bandage for 48 to 72 hours. At the time of removal, the ears will present a slight inflammation that will subside over the following days. The stitches are removed in 10-12 days, or they will become resorbable. The patient may wash their hair, taking great care not to affect the wound once the bandage is removed. Usually, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the ears, which will recover completely in a short time. During the first two to three weeks, an elastic band should be used to protect and keep the ears in position 24 hours a day, removing it only for brief spaces if pressure requires it.

The pain is mild to moderate and controllable with analgesics, lasting the first 24 to 48 hours. The risks are few, but it is worth mentioning:


that is, the accumulation of blood usually between the skin and the cartilage, in which case they must be evacuated through a minimal incision.


very rare but avoided with preventive antibiotics.

Keloid scars:

they are very rare and depend on the genetic predisposition of the patient, especially when excess skin resection is performed. They are difficult to treat, although they improve with medical treatment.

Recurrence of the deformity:

it is the tendency of the ear to return to its initial position. It is not very frequent, but it can range from 5 to 7% of cases, requiring a touch-up to reposition it after 6 months.

Lobuloplasty in Delhi


The best lobuloplasty in Delhi is a plastic surgery of the ears designed to solve some kind of warp in the lobe of this part of the body. Generally, this type of problem is of an aesthetic nature, although sometimes if the lobe is very open it can be lost, so it is advisable to intervene surgically to prevent its complete disappearance.

In most ear plastic surgeries, the aesthetic element is one of the driving reasons for deciding to take this step, and along with it the patient’s self-esteem becomes very important. The ears next to the nose are two of the most visible areas of the face, so if there are defects in them there are many people who may feel unhappy with their image, something that ultimately affects their social relationships.

Lobuloplasty in Delhi

The earlobe is one of the most visible parts of it, so its correction is usually one of the most common demands within cosmetic ear surgeries. The deformity in the lobe can be produced by different causes, such as the fact of having overloaded the area with very heavy earrings or with several holes to decorate the ears, trauma, congenital defects, etc.

If the dilation that occurs is greater than five centimeters, there is a risk that the lobe will be lost permanently. To prevent this from happening, a lobuloplasty in Delhi is used, a plastic surgery that helps us to reconstruct the lobe so that the ear recovers its normal appearance in a short time.

Lobuloplasty is a simple procedure, although its degree of complexity will depend on the type of abnormality the patient presents. It is necessary to see if it is necessary to reconstruct the lobe completely or it is simply a tear that implies joining it again.

Ideal candidates for a lobuloplasty in Delhi

The ideal candidate for a lobuloplasty is a patient who, enjoying good health, decides to undergo this surgery, probably for cosmetic reasons. Perhaps we have found a job where the image is very important and we have dilations in the ear . Then it is time to perform this operation.

Sometimes there are people who for various reasons have an abnormal lobe, which is too dilated and who have not been able to solve this problem in any way. In these situations, this plastic surgery is also a good alternative.

Whenever this disorder involves psychological discomfort and prevents us from developing a normal life, it is advisable to go to a plastic surgeon in Delhi to offer us his own assessment. Keep in mind that it is a simple surgery, that in expert hands it is done quickly and that it offers very good results.

Advantages of a lobuloplasty in Delhi

The advantages of a lobuloplasty are the following:

  • It is a quick and easy plastic surgery with immediate results.
  • The surgery is quick and is sometimes the only option to solve the distortion of the lobe.
  • Local anesthesia is used.
  • The scar is barely visible.
  • The appearance of the ear changes immediately, appearing natural, so that the patient can rejoin his life with a new image in a short time.
  • The results are final.

Before ear surgery

best lobuloplasty in Delhi

Before an ear plastic surgery, the plastic surgeon in Panipat performs a complete evaluation of the deformity that the patient presents. And based on it, it informs about the different techniques that can be used to solve the disorder.

Once agreed with the patient and assessed which treatment to adopt, the plastic surgeon in Karnal explains what series of clinical tests are necessary. Although it is a minor surgery, it is always necessary to carry out different checks to avoid complications.

The Surgery

A lobuloplasty is a simple plastic surgery, usually outpatient.

After the operation it is necessary to close the wound with stitches that the surgeon will remove later in different visits that we will have to carry out.

During the first fifteen days it will be necessary to go to a consultation every two or three days so that the best plastic surgeon in Delhi makes us a review and a follow-up of the evolution of the surgery.

At first a kind of reddish mark is appreciated, but with the passage of time it will disappear.

Postoperative in lobuloplasty

The postoperative period of a lobuloplasty involves a series of special care. The plastic surgeon in Laxmi Nagar will indicate them to us, but it is vital to keep the treated part free of possible infections. Therefore, the surrounding areas must be clean, such as the hair. The specialist will tell us what extra hygienic measures we should adopt.

Over a few days, you will feel slight discomfort and some irritation. These manifestations can be addressed with the medication indicated by our doctor.

Finally, you will have to wait a while to get back to work (at least three months), but the results are definitive and lasting once the recovery process is over.


Ear Reconstruction

The ear reconstruction surgery in Delhi corrects a wide variety of functional and aesthetic problems of the outer ear. Thanks to this surgery, it is possible to correct birth deformities and damage caused by traumatic injuries. Do not forget that defects such as microtia and injuries that cause the loss of part of the ear influence the appearance of people’s faces and their self-esteem.

What is microtia?

Ear Reconstruction Surgery in East Delhi

Microtia is a congenital ear defect that appears in approximately three out of every 10,000 births. It is about having a “small ear” (more than normal) and the problem can affect one or both ears. In the latter case, the risk of hearing loss is greater. But this does not have to happen, because after reconstructive surgery of the ears and bone conduction hearing aids, good results are obtained. There can be different degrees of severity:

Degrees of severity

  • Grade I: The ear appears normal, but is smaller than it should be and the external auditory canal may or may not be missing.
  • Grade II: The ear does not have some of its normal features, including the outer portions of cartilage, that is, the helix and antihelix.
  • Grade III: it is the most serious type as there is an almost total lack of organization of the cartilage and the features of a normal ear. Nor is there usually an external auditory canal.

Ear reconstruction surgery in East Delhi is used in these situations to restore the natural appearance of the ear and improve hearing capacity.

Reconstructive ear surgery procedure

In general, full ear reconstruction surgery is developed in four distinct stages, each of which includes one or two procedures. For optimal results and recovery, most otoplasty specialists complete these stages at two to three month intervals.

It is very important that after each stage of ear reconstruction surgery in Delhi, patients avoid contact sports for about four weeks. They should also pay close attention to the area of ​​surgery, to detect possible side effects of otoplasty. While the risks associated with reconstructive ear surgery are minimal, all surgical procedures have potential complications. To achieve optimal results and have a good recovery, it is essential to carefully follow the surgeon’s instructions.

Stage 1

The first stage of ear reconstruction surgery includes two procedures: obtaining healthy cartilage from the ribs and then inserting the prepared cartilage into a pocket of skin under the deformed or damaged ear. This step of the surgery takes between four and five hours and requires two to three days of recovery in the hospital. An alternative is to use preformed artificial skeletons (medpore).

Stage 2

During the second stage of the ear reconstruction process, the new lobe is created. This outpatient surgery takes about an hour and the sutures are removed a week after the operation.

Stage 3

In the third stage of reconstructive surgery, the newly formed ear (the framework of the cartilage and the lobe) is lifted from the side of the head and then a skin graft is applied to the lower part of the ear. Normally, the small skin graft is obtained from the upper part of the buttock and the graft area heals itself under a protective bandage. This outpatient surgery takes about two hours, and the sutures are removed one week after the operation.

Stage 4

In the fourth stage of ear reconstruction surgery, the plastic surgeon in Preet Vihar creates an opening in the shell (to appear like a natural ear canal) and works to achieve symmetry and balance in the contours of the ear. The procedure is outpatient and requires approximately two hours. The last stitches will be removed a week later.

And how is reconstructive surgery after trauma?

The most common traumas to the ears are lacerations, burns, infected or torn piercings, and skin tumors.

The type of reconstructive surgery that we will have to do will depend on the type of injury that has occurred, but also which part of the ear has been damaged, if all or only one area.

Torn earlobes are corrected with a variety of time-consuming techniques. However, if a total reconstruction is required, the procedure can take months.

The most common injuries to the ears are lacerations, burns, infected or torn piercings, and skin tumors.

Sometimes before performing any surgery it is necessary to wait for the wound scar caused by the injury to heal. In any case, when an ear has been traumatized, it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible to avoid further damage.

How can reconstruction of the pinna benefit?

If you have a pinna with any deformity or if it is simply absent, reconstruction offers a possibility to resolve these disorders.

These types of operations normally require two surgical stages, which are usually carried out in a period of six months each.

It is a delicate procedure that implies extensive knowledge and experience of the technique to be practiced. The definitive results provide great benefits to those who undergo this type of ear reconstruction surgery in East Delhi.

Rhinoplasty in Delhi


Dr Sahil Singla is the best plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty in East Delhi. Nose reshaping surgery or rhinoplasty in Delhi is one of the most demanded operations by both men and women. Alterations in the shape of the nose are one of the most frequent causes of aesthetic psychological disorders.

There are no two identical rhinoplasties, since this surgery seeks to adapt the nose to the facial structure of each patient, achieving greater facial harmony and balance. It is therefore essential to study each case individually, explaining to the patient the possibilities and probable results of the surgery.


The rhinoplasty in East Delhi is done to modify the nose and structure, adapting it to other facial features, showing a more harmonious and aesthetic set or repairing defects deviated septum and defects after injury or accident.

This intervention consists of modifying the bony skeleton of the nose in order for the skin to adapt to the new change and to obtain the shape desired by the patient.

The purpose of rhinoplasty is not to create or copy a pre-established shape, but rather that the new aesthetics of the nose integrate naturally with the rest of the face, creating a harmonious balance between the different structures of the face.

rhinoplasty in East Delhi


For whom is rhinoplasty indicated?

The patient profile indicated for an intervention of this type is a person who needs to make important changes in the structure, shape, angle or size of their nose, and clean the entire tip or its entire set. Nose reshaping surgery in East Delhi is also indicated for patients who have some difficulty breathing or require changes in the nasal septum.


There are two techniques that allow aesthetic correction of the nose: closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty. Both procedures were described in the first decades of the 20th century and depending on the case, one or the other may be indicated.

  • Closed rhinoplasty is performed inside the nostrils, through incisions in the nasal mucosa. Through these incisions, access is made to the nasal structures to be modified and that will make up the new appearance of the nose. This procedure is the most frequently performed and does not leave any type of visible mark.
  • Open rhinoplasty is performed through a small incision at the base of the nose and allows the cartilage of the tip and dorsum of the nose to be exposed, facilitating a direct visualization of them. It can be useful in complex cases with significant deformities of the tip or noses that have already been previously operated on.

Sometimes rhinoplasty involves modifying the shape of the nose by adding volume to it using different types of tissues from the patient himself. This happens for example in noses with a sunken back. In our clinic, best plastic surgeon in Delhi Dr Sahil Singla will study your case personally and depending on the area and appearance, he will advise you, prevailing medical criteria and results.


Is It Painful?

It is not a painful surgery. Patients do not usually require pain relievers.

What Kind of Anesthesia is Used?

Almost all of the patients are operated under local anesthesia and sedation, not presenting any pain during surgery. Sedation, administered by the anesthesiologist, helps them to be relaxed.

What Are The Risks of Rhinoplasty?

The risks of this type of surgery are minimal. More than usual bleeding is a rare but possible complication.

How Is The Post-Operative?

When leaving the operating room, a thermoplastic splint is worn, which is removed after a week. Nasal tamponade is not usually required, although normal respiration does not return for a few days; exceptionally it may be necessary to place plugs for a period of 3 to 4 days.

How Long Is The Hospitalization?

Most often, patients are discharged one hour after surgery, always on the orders of the surgeon and the anesthetist. Although it is highly unlikely, if deemed necessary and following medical criteria, patients may be admitted to the clinic.

How Many Days Pass Until I Get Back To My Usual Activity?

Although it is variable depending on the postoperative evolution and the type of work performed, it is recommended to have a week, that is, until the moment in which the splint is removed.

How Will I Look The First Few Days?

The presence of swelling and ecchymosis around the eyes and cheeks is relatively common. Its intensity varies between patients but it is well tolerated and resolves in a few days.

How Will I Look When The Splint Is Removed?

The shape of the nose after a week is good and the patient will be able to lead a normal life. The patient will appreciate significant changes, although the final result takes about six months to see when all the edema has resolved