Monthly Archives: January 2021


Gynecomastia or Breast Reduction in Men

The presence of breast tissue in men can be determined by multiple factors, some of them temporary. Puberty, various pharmacological treatments and the existence of endocrine disorders … can be the cause of this condition. When it becomes a persistent disorder, often linked to mental discomfort, gynecomastia surgery or male breast reduction surgery in Karnal is recommended. Freely choosing clothes, improving physical activity or eliminating the complex to show the naked torso, are some of the objectives of this intervention.

What is meant by Gynecomastia

The term is of Greek origin and is used to indicate the presence in men of a higher than normal development of the mammary gland, similar to that of a woman. During adolescence there is generally an increase in the volume of the mammary gland of man, which then gradually atrophies with growth, before the age of twenty-one. In some cases, however, the volume may extend beyond this period and cause problems of an aesthetic and psychological nature.

The discomfort caused by gynecomastia

In humans, a developed breast can create considerable discomfort, especially in situations in which typically one is exposed to the public (on the beach or when playing sports). In such circumstances, whether it is a swelling or the characteristics of the female breast, the discomfort can lead to shame and a sense of humiliation and can manifest itself as early as adolescence.

The help of the plastic surgeon

In some cases the patient tends to assume such attitudes as to want to hide the discomfort from his family, in other cases, instead, consulting the best plastic surgeon in Karnal together with a family member it may happen that the latter also wants to intervene to resolve the same anomaly on himself.

When to undergo the male breast reduction surgery in Karnal

Gynecomastia surgery in Karnal is generally performed on patients aged between 16 and 60 years. Feeling comfortable with your body is essential for both men and women. For this reason, patients who undergo a gynecomastia surgery wish to normalize their physical characteristics by reducing the volume of the breasts and making them suitable for their gender, just as the woman with small breasts wishes to increase them to improve her femininity and feel more comfortable. in life.

The first visit

Already at the first visit with the plastic surgeon in Karnal, it is necessary to verify that gynecomastia is not symptomatic of diseases, other body dysfunctions or is not caused by the patient’s use of medicines. Overdevelopment of the tissues in this area can be caused, for example, diseases of the testicles or adrenal glands and, sometimes, even thyroid dysfunctions. Prolonged intake of certain types of drugs such as antidepressants, digitalis or those containing estrogen as well as prolonged use of marijuana can lead to gynecomastia. This pathology can also occur following a period of malnutrition. It is therefore good to identify the causes immediately and with certainty, since by suspending the use of these substances it will be possible to make the problem disappear without surgery.

The cause of gynecomastia

In about 30% of cases, gynecomastia derives from an increase in fat storage in the area, in these circumstances a liposuction operation is more suitable for the patient who benefits from faster recovery and healing times and less traumatic for the patients. skin tissues. In 70% of cases, however, gynecomastia is due to the development of the mammary gland beyond the norm and therefore the procedure with a scalpel is used.

Anesthesia in gynecomastia

In all cases, liposuction is always used to shape the area subject to surgery, thus improving the overall aesthetic results. The male breast reduction surgery in Karnal lasts one hour and is performed under general anesthesia.

The operative technique in gynecomastia and anesthesia

During surgery, the breast tissue is removed by cutting the area around the areola in a crescent shape. The size of the incision generally does not exceed the size of the areola even in cases where the breast tissue is of some importance.

The postoperative period of gynecomastia

There are no particular inconveniences for the patient undergoing the gynecomastia surgery in Karnal. The drain remains in place for about a day or two to prevent blood bags from collecting and the patient can then leave the clinic.

The dressing

After approximately 8-10 days, the slightly compressive dressing and the applied sutures can be removed. It is foreseeable that the patient may feel a slight soreness of the muscles of the pectoral area, for this reason it is advisable not to start practicing sports before 20-30 days.

Possible complications

For this type of male breast reduction surgery in Karnal there are minimal probabilities of complication, in 3-5% of operations there may be hematomas or seromas which, if treated promptly, disappear quickly.

Results of gynecomastia surgery in Karnal

Gynecomastia surgery in Karnal guarantees the patient excellent results, superior to any other form of pharmacological therapy both from an aesthetic and psychological point of view. The patient from the first moments can check the quality of the result and the level of satisfaction is so high for having eliminated a useless and uncomfortable component from his own body as to minimize the possible presence of scars whose presence is in any case masked and is really very limited.

male breast reduction surgery in Karnal

Dr. Sahil Singla, Best Plastic Surgeon in Karnal
+91 9873748259

Amritdhara Hospital


Chaura Bazar Rd, Chaura Bazar New, Karnal, Haryana 132001

scar treatment in panipat

Surgery to Remove Scars

A scar is the body’s way of replacing and healing burned, lost, or damaged skin. The space left by the wound is covered with fibrillar tissue (the same that makes up the muscles), which is why the scars have a different appearance than the skin. A scar can be caused by many different reasons, such as: Injuries (cuts, burns, bumps), Surgeries, Infections, Inflammation of the Tissue. Sometimes they lead to functional limitations or are unsightly. It can, in some cases, be the beginning of an emotional problem for those who have it, depending on its location, size or shape. Sometime scar treatment or scar revision in Panipat is essential to correct their appearance and make them less visible.

Main types of scars

The skin is the largest organ of the human being and its function is to protect the body. Throughout life, accidents happen that damage the skin, leaving a scar. Scars are the  natural process of skin regeneration after an injury and are classified into 4 types, whose classification will depend on choosing one scar treatment in Panipat or another:

  • Hypertrophic scars: these are red scars that rise above the skin . They do not extend beyond the place where the injury occurred.
  • Keloids: these scars protrude from the skin, like hypertrophic scars, but the difference is that they do spread to other parts from where the wound takes place. They are caused by the overproduction of certain cells. Over time, keloids can affect mobility, limiting certain functions. Possible treatments include surgery, laser surgery, radiation, or steroid injections.
  • Shrinkage scars: These are the scars that normally occur after burning the skin . They cause hardening (contraction) of the skin that can reduce mobility. Scarring can reach the nerves and muscles in the most severe cases.
  • Acne scars: Any type of acne can leave behind scars. There are several typologies that can go from superficial to deep.

Types of surgery for scar revision in Panipat

Dr Sahil Singla performs several surgical techniques for scar revision in Panipat. The plastic surgeon in Panipat will first assess the type and degree of scar to establish the most appropriate approach:

  1. Simple excision is the simplest method. The surgeon resects the scar and then carefully sutures the edges. It is used in fine linear scars whose skin allows an adequate gliding.
  2. Sliding excision and plasty: a technique used in cases where the skin is less slippery and is fixed to the underlying tissues. The goal is to free the trapped skin so that it glides properly.
  3. Dermabrasion is the most complex surgical procedure and involves removing the outer layers of the skin . It is the technique used in scars that cannot be treated with excision and plasty but that present surface irregularities that make them highly visible.

After treatment

The protocol to be carried out after the scar treatment in Panipat will depend to a great extent on the technique that the surgeon has chosen to remove the scar.

Plastic surgery to remove the scar also requires going through the different stages of scar maturation until reaching the final state of correction.

The final results are considered after at least 12 months after having carried out the treatment.

scar treatment in Panipat

Dr. Sahil Singla, Best Plastic Surgeon in Panipat
+91 9873748259



Dermawave Sumit Skin laser & Hair Transplant Centre, Gohana Chowk, near Grand Trunk Road, Shiv Nagar, Panipat, Haryana 132103


Monday – 12PM – 3PM Friday – 12PM – 3PM

LHDM & Prem Hospital Private Limited


Opp, Bus Stand Rd, Bishon Sarup Colony, Panipat, Haryana 132103


Friday 9AM to 10:30AM

Ravindra Hospital


638, Model Town Rd, Model Town, Panipat, Haryana 132108


Monday – 10AM – 12PM Friday – 10AM – 12PM

best liposuction in panipat

Liposuction (Liposculpture)

Previously, there were no methods to remove localized fat. Therefore, women and men dedicated themselves to dieting and exercising to achieve the silhouette they desired without undergoing modifications in an operating room. At present, technology has advanced a lot and the situation is different; now people can choose, among many options, surgeries that remove adipose tissues in various areas of the body such as the abdomen, legs, arms, hips and double chin, one such surgery is best liposuction in Panipat.

Liposuction is one of the options mentioned above and serves as a solution so that fat deposits, which do not disappear with diet and exercise, are eliminated in a couple of hours thanks to a specific procedure. The objective of plastic surgery is to give a suitable contour to the area of ​​the body that the patient wants so that it looks better in a short time, since the effect is almost immediate. However, the final results will be observed from the first month after the intervention; These can be even better if in the following months the patient follows the recommendations that we provide regarding food and exercise.

best liposuction in Panipat


The technique consists of the introduction of a cannula that is connected to a suction machine through a small incision to reach the interior of the skin. Next, I suction the fat with the cannula and make vertical movements while I feel the area until I get the appropriate result. When the plastic surgery ends, we place a comprehensive bandage or a girdle on the operated area that will keep the skin in the right place, helping the proper contraction of the tissues and reducing postoperative discomfort. The time of the procedure, which is also known as liposculpture, depends on the area or the amount of fat that the patient needs to remove; it can vary between 30 minutes and 3 hours.

The special elastic support should be worn by the patient for three months after liposuction in Panipat and we recommend that they attend lymphatic drainage sessions for a speedy recovery and return to daily activities. Candidates for this surgery are those with a relatively normal weight, but who present areas of the body with fat deposits that cannot be eliminated with diet and exercise.

The cases that require simple techniques during the best liposuction in Panipat, such as double chin, can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation. Other procedures that require more time in the operating room, such as liposuction of the hips or abdomen, are performed under general anesthesia. In the first consultation with me, I will decide with the patient what will be the appropriate anesthesia for the operation.

Complementary Surgeries

As a specialist in plastic surgery I can recommend procedures that serve as a complement after the removal of adipose tissue. One technique consists of reinjecting the fat obtained from liposuction in areas such as the buttocks, when there is a loss of volume or in the face to hide the signs of aging. This practice is known as lipoinjection and the results are short and long term.

Another complementary surgery to liposuction is abdominoplasty or abdominal lipectomy; Both techniques will result in a body shape adjusted to the muscles of the abdomen with smooth skin without sagging, since the abdominal lipectomy removes the excess tissues in the central area of ​​the body and strengthens the muscles that were previously weak.

Each of the procedures described above must be explained to you in my office while I create the specific surgical plan for you. Before defining which technique will be used, as the best plastic surgeon in Panipat, I must examine the area to be improved, so that I can determine, with measurements, the amount of fat and skin that I will remove in case I have to perform a tummy tuck.

best abdominoplasty in Panipat

Abdominoplasty Or Tummy Tuck

Best Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck in Panipat is the main and most effective intervention that allows to firm the skin of the abdominal area, to reshape the lower abdomen, and to redefine the waistline.

Who undergoes the surgery

The ideal candidate for the abdominoplasty in Panipat is a patient in good health who has an excess of skin and adipose tissue in the abdominal area, often following a sudden weight loss, which tends not to improve even with adequate physical activity. In addition to a skin cosmetic defect, there is often a blemish linked to the laxity of the rectus abdominals, which after childbirth sometimes struggle to reposition themselves correctly, giving the abdomen a no longer toned appearance.

The surgery allows to correct both the skin redundancy and the bad positioning of the abdominal muscles, restoring a correct skin and muscle tone of the abdominal area, thus redefining the waistline and significantly improving the patient’s silhouette.

Surgical technique

To perform a good lifting of the abdominal wall and correct the muscle fascia, it is necessary to make a supra-pubic incision that continues laterally towards the iliac crests and an incision that falls inside the navel. In this way the skin and excess fat between the pubis and the navel are removed, also eliminating the stretch marks that may be present in this area, and any scars that may be caused by previous operations.

If the abdominal muscles are spaced apart due to previous pregnancies or operations, it is possible at this stage to bring them closer to the midline. This technical measure allows to obtain a more modeled and more functional belly with a feeling of greater well-being after the procedure of tummy tuck in Panipat.

best tummy tuck in panipat

The scars

The scars that follow from this surgery are: a low horizontal scar, just above the pubis, and a scar inside the navel.

Initially red scars will tend to lighten over time and blend in with the surrounding skin. The goal of the plastic surgeon in Panipat is to position the scars in such a way that they are completely covered by a slip.


The anesthesia used for the best abdominoplasty in Panipat is in most cases the general one, although for a limited surgical correction, called mini-abdominoplasty, it is possible to perform the surgery under local anesthesia with sedation. Operational times vary from an hour and a half to approximately three hours.

After the surgery

At the end of the surgery, an elastic dressing is applied which has a containing purpose and helps the tissues settle. At the time of discharge, this dressing is replaced with a lighter one and an elastic sheath is worn. The compression dressing has the purpose of promoting tissue healing, reducing edema and the formation of abdominal seromas, as well as protecting the reconstructed muscle structure from excessive stress. It is advisable to continue wearing it for the first month after the surgery, avoiding excessive effort.

The patient is discharged with the prescription of antibiotic therapy and in the first days bed rest is recommended.

The post-operative

A feeling of tenderness and tension in the abdomen may be present in the first few days. In the first 2 days it is easy for the temperature to rise a few lines (37-37.5 ° C).

Mild bruises may appear which will disappear within 2 weeks. After three days the drains are removed, at 1 week a control dressing is provided and after 2 weeks the stitches are removed.

As a result of the edema, that is, the normal swelling that remains after surgery, the abdomen may appear slightly swollen immediately after surgery. It can sometimes take several weeks for the swelling to completely resolve and the result of the surgery to be optimal. Scars should be protected from sunlight for the first 6 months after surgery. To speed up the reabsorption process of postoperative edema, it may be useful to perform cycles of lymphodrenanated massages and radiofrequency treatments.

Possible complications

The specific complications of the best tummy tuck in Panipat are rare and mainly represented by bleeding, hematoma, seroma, infection and pathological scarring.

  • Hematoma: can arise in the first 12-24 hours after surgery, it is limited by the presence of drains.
  • Seroma (collection of serous fluid between the abdominal wall and the skin): can occur in overweight patients and resolves when the fluid escapes through a section of the surgical wound.
  • Skin necrosis: it can occur, albeit rarely, after large abdominoplasty and in smokers: it may require daily medications even for several weeks. It results in delayed healing and poor quality scarring.
  • Skin scars are generally not very visible: their extent depends on the defect to be corrected; their quality depends on the care taken in the execution of the sutures and on the individual skin reactivity.
  • Hypertrophic scars (red and raised): can develop unpredictably in patients with excessive skin reactivity or in case of wound infection. They will be treated with specific ointments and possibly with cortisone infiltrations

Gynecomastia or Male Breast Reduction Surgery


Gynecomastia or male breast is excess fatty tissue in the male mammary glands. In some cases, gynecomastia can appear or develop due to hormonal or genetic changes in the patient, and this increase in volume in the mammary glands manifests between 12 to 22 years of age. For Gynecomastia/male breast reduction surgery in Panipat, Dr. Sahil Singla, best plastic surgeon in Panipat, performs an individual study of the patient and assesses the suitability of performing an aesthetic operation. An intervention with which the male torso looks healthy and symmetrical. The opinion of the plastic surgeon is essential to end gynecomastia, as we can find cases in which fat has accumulated in this area of ​​the body without developing glandular tissue and, therefore, require another type of treatment.

Gynecomastia in Panipat is carried out by eliminating the excess breast tissue in the chest caused by a production of estrogen and testosterone outside the normal rate. On the other hand, gynecomastia in men can present in two different ways:

  • Gynecomastia: In this case, the excess volume is due to the accumulation of breast tissue due to the altered production of estrogens and testosterone.
  • Pseudo gynecomastia refers to the excess of fatty tissue only in the mammary glands and the solution is much simpler since only the adipose tissue has to be removed from the pectoral area.

Results: definitive and immediate.

After the procedure of male breast reduction surgery in Panipat, it shows definitive results since by removing the fatty tissue or breast tissue excess volume is immediately removed from the pectoral area. It is important that during the first month after the treatment, the patient rests and does not do any high intensity sports as this could affect recovery and results.


Gynecomastia surgery in Panipat is recommended when:

  • The patient has excess volume in the chest area.
  • This excess volume affects the quality of life of the patient.
  • Patients who are at the desired weight.
  • Patients who do not consume alcohol or smoke excessively.


First of all, it is necessary to detect if the patient needs a true gynecomastia or a pseudo gynecomastia. For this, a first evaluation visit is necessary, where the best plastic surgeon in Panipat will examine the patient’s breast, and by means of palpation he will be able to give his diagnosis reliably.

True gynecomastia: excess fat and mammary gland are eliminated. In our clinic it is always performed accompanied by liposuction, with which part of the mammary gland could be removed. If this were not enough and the mammary gland remains, a resection (removal) of the deepest part of the gland would be carried out, always leaving something in the upper part (it is never completely removed because otherwise the man’s chest would be sunken). The incision can be of two types: lower periareolar, or upper periareolar in case the breast was slightly saggy. Through the incision, some skin is removed from the top and the areola is pulled up a bit.

Pseudo gynecomastia: With pseudo gynecomastia, only excess fat is removed. The male breast reduction surgery in Panipat consists of performing a liposuction of the pectoral area, through a micro incision in the armpit or nipple area so that it is as less visible as possible.

  • It is a fast, safe and outpatient procedure, as it does not require hospitalization.
  • The gynecomastia surgery in Panipat is performed in a single intervention.
  • Recovery is relatively quick and uncomplicated.
  • The patient regains confidence and self-assurance, thus improving the quality of life.


During the 3-4 hours after the intervention, the patient will feel some slight discomfort (type stiffness) that is relieved with the medication prescribed by the doctor.
Although the percentage is less than 1%, infections and bleeding may appear after treatment; the patient need not be alarmed. In some people, the inflammatory process may last longer than expected and bruises may also appear in the treated areas. These remit with an ointment provided by the doctor.

  • Treatment is outpatient: the patient returns home the same day of treatment.
  • Relative rest should be kept for the first 48 hours.
  • It is recommended to lie down in a semi-reclined position.
  • It is advisable to limit any type of activity until 2 weeks after the intervention.
  • At no time should the dressing or bandage that the plastic surgeon used after surgery be removed.
  • The time to return to sports physical activity must be at least 3 weeks.
  • If there were stitches to be removed, these would be removed a week or 10 days after the intervention.

It is a surgical medical girdle for daily use that helps to meld and support the skin that has been or is being exposed to a special treatment.

Its use is very important so that the post-operative period and its results are as expected, and the desired perfection is achieved.

Gynecomastia surgery in Panipat


The medication prescribed by Dr Sahil Singla for this treatment is: antibiotic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory for a week.


Each gynecomastia surgery in Panipat requires a series of special care that must be considered before going to the clinic on the day of the intervention. Depending on the case, Dr Sahil will give the indications in the first informative consultation. These are the care that doctor recommends following before receiving any treatment:

  • The day of the intervention should be attended with comfortable shoes and loose clothing.
  • Alcohol and tobacco consumption should be eliminated at least 2 weeks before treatment.
  • The patient must inform the doctor in case of being under treatment with any medication, such as anti-inflammatory, vitamins, and anti-coagulants.


At what age can I have gynecomastia surgery?

The minimum age for gynecomastia surgery is 18 years old, although our surgeons recommend waiting until 22, at which point the excessive development of the mammary gland and possible hormonal disorders are completed.

I have steroid gynecomastia; can I have surgery?

One of the reasons for the development of this gland may be hyperthyroidism. Once it has been diagnosed and treatment is started, the patient can consider the option of undergoing this type of male breast reduction surgery in Panipat. In principle, it will be possible to operate without any problem, but it will always be the specialist surgeon who, after making a medical evaluation, will have the last decision.

Who is the best candidate for gynecomastia?

The perfect candidate for gynecomastia is someone who suffers from excess fat in the breast area. A priori it is only an aesthetic problem, but it is true that it can become a great complex for men. It is important to know that it is solved with a simple surgical procedure and that after your recovery you will be able to lead a normal life.

What risks does a gynecomastia surgery carry?

This surgery does not have any type of complexity for the patient, it is a quick and simple procedure. It is important to note that after the operation a series of special care is required that our doctors will report to be carried out in the days after the surgical procedure.

Can breasts increase again after gynecomastia surgery?

No. The results are totally final, so there is no need to worry. Once the postoperative period is over, the patient will be able to forget forever about their complex due to excess breasts.

Where is the gynecomastia operation performed?

It is performed around ​​the male mammary gland. The maximum duration of the intervention is 90 minutes and does not require any type of hospitalization. After the first 48 hours, the patient will have to come to our office for their first check-up.

What type of anesthesia is used?

The type of anesthesia used for this intervention is general, in addition to sedation so that the patient does not have any discomfort or pain during the procedure.

What result can I expect after male breast reduction surgery in Panipat?

The results of gynecomastia are totally immediate. From the first moment, the patient will be able to eliminate his excess pectoral fat and the development of his mammary gland.

male breast reduction surgery in Panipat

Will I be able to have sex in the recovery period?

It is recommended that during the first days the care in that area is increased, but once the 48 hours have passed and as long as the patient is well and without problems, a totally full and normal life can be led.

Can I sleep on my stomach or side after surgery?

Dr. Sahil Singla recommends that during the first 48 hours you sleep on your back so that the patient does not have any discomfort.

Dr. Sahil Singla, Best Plastic Surgeon in Panipat
+91 9873748259



Dermawave Sumit Skin laser & Hair Transplant Centre, Gohana Chowk, near Grand Trunk Road, Shiv Nagar, Panipat, Haryana 132103


Monday – 12PM – 3PM Friday – 12PM – 3PM

LHDM & Prem Hospital Private Limited


Opp, Bus Stand Rd, Bishon Sarup Colony, Panipat, Haryana 132103


Friday 9AM to 10:30AM

Ravindra Hospital


638, Model Town Rd, Model Town, Panipat, Haryana 132108


Monday – 10AM – 12PM Friday – 10AM – 12PM